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We love talking ‘rubbish’.

Who are the Dorset Devils?
We are residents of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) and beyond who love where we live and dislike the sight of litter and its effects on our community and environment, especially it’s wildlife and marine life.
Our group is all about individual and family litter picks within our own patch whenever we feel like it and when we have the time-ten minutes or two hours- each volunteer decides. As we do this individually we are not tied to any planned start time which is usually the case with organised group picks. We aim to be visible in the community in the hope our presence will encourage others to manage their own litter.
Fringe benefits? Litter picking is one of the most rewarding and satisfying activities you can do outside and its free. Each time you gather a bucket of litter, you are making a massive difference to one local patch. Who would have thought you could gain a sense of satisfaction from picking up other people’s rubbish!
It also affords you the opportunity to get away from all those day to day distractions as you slow down, open your eyes and ears and relax. It really is a great chance to recharge your batteries.
Although you might be doing this on your own, usually you wont be alone outside so take the opportunity to talk ‘rubbish’ to passers by when it suits you. This activity is hugely community based and your efforts will go towards creating community spirit and gain a feel good factor-win, win situation. Pick and smile- just makes DDsense.
DDnews update:-
Over the past decade we have proudly played our part in the community and carried out multiple TeamDD activities and supported many initiatives. We have worked with local schools, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth Football Club, various charities, BCP Council and businesses and appeared on Click, Blue Peter and BBC Breakfast. However, after achieving and surpassing many milestones along the way and operating for longer than planned, it is now time to streamline things.
Although we will continue our litter picking efforts, we are no longer able to provide equipment for one off events or support group litter picks. We have recently donated some of our equipment to a local primary school to enable the children to continue with their litter picking adventures.
As previously stated, we will continue to support anyone who wishes to take up the DDchallenge by providing equipment and advice so they can make a positive difference in their own community. Also, we will carry on our involvement with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme for any Dorset youngsters with their Bronze, Silver and Gold ambitions. DDnumber1 will be their designated DofE Assessor for their Volunteering Element and provide all the tools for the task ahead. So far, 220+ candidates have used our services within the past three years with a few now going for Gold. Emily has already reached her Gold target through us and she can’t wait for her special moment at Buckingham Palace later this year.
Dorset Devils – Helping raise awareness to make our environment less-littered. #lovewhereyoulive

Why do they do it?
Really, why do people drop litter?
They drop litter by the roadside, in our parks, on our beaches. They push them into bushes, hedgerows and over cliff fencing as though they are 21st Century bins-they are not! Why do they do it? Don’t they care? Well we do.
We will do what we can in our communities and maybe prick a few consciences at the same time. We know we can’t stop the litter drop nor are we the litter police. We just hope people will stop and think and either look for a bin or take it home with them.
No one has the right to litter. It’s that simple.
We’re making a difference
The latest news, events and activities.
Our 10 Year Anniversary
Our community group has now reached double digits! 30th October ...[Read More]
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
It’s Duke of Edinburgh's Award time again and Dorset ...[Read More]
Chairman’s Community Award 2022
The Dorset Devils group have won the BCP Chairman’s Community ...[Read More]